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Infertility and Assisted Reproduction

Personal Stories of Infertility and Pregnancy Loss

  • "Our daughter is now 4 months old.  We continue to heal from our 6 years of infertility and the loss of our son.  I have come to believe that there will always be some pain associated with the battles we fought - and so often lost..."  (read more)

  • "For more than eighteen years of my sexually active life, I did everything possible to keep from getting pregnant.  I took the birth control pill from age seventeen to thirty-two; I made my sexual partners use condoms; I even abstained from penetrative sex..."  (read more)

  • "In month 11, we had our first doctor-patient chat. The kind where we confess that we're trying to have kids, and it's not really working, but you know, we're not that worried about it. Although we'd like you to do something about it anyway..."  (read more)

  • "I was shocked that my body had not achieved a pregnancy, shocked and depressed. I began to think that I was cursed, or that my failure to get pregnant was a sign that I was not meant to be a mother. I began to resent my caregiving role and felt like less of a woman..." (read more)

  • "My husband and I each had blood work done. All the tests were normal. My ovaries looked normal. Our official diagnosis was “unexplained infertility.” We were told that it doesn’t mean there isn’t an explanation- it’s just that medicine hasn’t found one yet..." (read more)

  • "I was not one of those women who always imagined having children. My husband always told me he wanted children, but I felt more cautious about it. Then at a wedding we saw an old high school friend who was pregnant, and suddenly I knew I wanted children..." (read more)

  • "I am still so sad that I won’t get to see what a mixture of Rob and me will look like. From the day I met him, I envisioned passing on his beautiful blue eyes to our baby. My talent for music, his sense of adventure, our love of books. I have melded our features together in my mind and come up with dozens of dazzling permutations..."  (read more)

  • "I began to think about the flu I had come down with last week and the antibiotics I had taken for the resulting sinus and ear infection, the accidental diet Sprite I had, the Tylenol I had taken to help with the misery of the flu symptoms. I thought of all the things that I thought I had done wrong and asked Ajay, 'Did I do this?' "... (read more)

  • "I had the sucky and suckier choices of either terminating my pregnancy now, or going to term and delivering a malformed, dead child. There were only bad options..."  (read more)

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